Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th fireworks

I know everyone has seen fireworks and pictures or video of them do not do them justice. (My favorite part of fireworks are the ones that are so loud you feel the vibrations hit you.) However I felt the need to document this event on the fourth of July. 

The Fireworks were set off from the Ala Moana peninsula. Known to locals as Magic Island (even though it is not an island. Long story.) If you have read my past posts you'll notice everything is done here. It's like Cincinnati's river front. 

A lot of people, both locals and tourist come to watch. 






(Really Dave, this many pictures of fireworks?)

(Dave, you do realize Topher's firework photos are much better right?) 
FL:? SS:? ISO:? I just used my phone set on Auto.


1 comment:

  1. Dave, Thanks for sharing your fireworks with all of us "Mainland People". I enjoyed them just as much as I enjoyed Topher's.
