Friday, September 28, 2012

Night with Lights

Topher went out of town and as such left his nice camera behind. Obviously meaning I should steal it and take lots of pictures with it. Mission accomplished. My favorite kind of pictures are night shots and armed with a nice camera where I can set a long exposure time, well lets just say it's good I also had a large memory card too.

A couple shots along the Ali Wai. A popular spot for paddler teams to practice. The city buildings are the back side of Waikiki.

Here are a few pictures I took of the Hilton Hawaiian Village Fireworks.

I didn't have the correct white balance set while taking this picture but I like it better this way.

Here's a similar picture with the correct white balance.

These were all taken at the Waikiki Yacht Club docks.

Here's the moon and one of the Hilton buildings.

Some kids playing with glow sticks.

A view over the Hilton Lagoon towards Diamond Head.

I'm sure this restaurant didn't mind me borrowing just a little room on their elevator for a quick ride and some pictures.

Now we get to the pictures I was really excited about taking. Long exposure pictures involving moving cars. A bus and a trolly went by in this one which explains the upper set of lights.

I had to convince a security guard to let me up here to take this picture. She was really nice while she stood there and watched me the whole time.

I call this one Speedy Nights.

My favorite parts of this shot is the traffic light and the yellow turn signal.

And now I'm back to where I started. Just with a little less light and a little more exposure time.

I hope you like my pictures, I enjoyed taking them and will have to use Topher's camera again some time.


  1. I miss your city nights photos! We haven't had a chance to do that together since Daytona Beach. I'm glad you had fun!

    This is one of your best posts so far!

  2. Dave -- great pics! I'm impressed! You should steal Topher's camera more often. :)

  3. I really like these! And yes, I know I'm way behind...but working hard on catching up!
