Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A walk along Mauki coast

It was time to do some more exploring, the location, the Mauki coast, in the south east of Oahu. One nice thing about this trip is that since I was taking a bus I could start at one spot and walk along the coast for a while and then be picked up at another spot, instead of having to walk back.

 A short walk from the bus stop and I am at the coast. 

I had thought about bring my snorkeling gear with me but I was glad I didn't when I saw all the waves I would have been in.

It was rather windy on the beach.

I'm not sure if all these white rocks and coral wash up here naturally but there was a lot of them in this specific area.

Just up from the water there were paths all over going around patches of these plants.

There are three calm inlets of water that almost seemed like lakes along the coast.

There is a lot of little sea life in the shallow calm water. I watched this crab climb around for a while.

This is just a close up of the lava rock that I was walking on and one of the many pieces of coral that was scattered around.

Sadly, I found this fish out of the water; I'm not sure how he got there.

I also found these two bones. I don't know what they belong to; my resident anatomy specialist, Topher, thinks the one on the right might be a sea turtle mandible.

The next two picture are of this weird looking tree.

Apparently during high waves this area collects trash from the sea.

Walking through all these plants and along this beach, it feels like you are in a remote location. However the main road through this part of the island is less than a half mile away. Typically it's behind me or to the left in all these pictures.

This a view of the rock formation called Pele's Chair. It is believed by native Hawaiians to be one of the last places where “Madame Pele”, godess of fire and volcanoes, left Oahu to continue her search for what is now believed to be her home on the Big Island.

A Lei placed in the area of Pelle's Chair.

The waves seemed like they were getting bigger as I walked along the coast so decide to head for higher ground.

This is looking back at where I walked from. The crater wall on the right is the one in my first picture on this post.

I made it to the top and around the corner. I had just a little bit farther to catch the last bus leaving this area for the evening. 

I thought this looked like a nice "sidewalk" instead of walking on the road on the other side of this wall...
...Until I got to this point. Then I turned around and took the road.

The red roof is Sea Life Park (used in '50 First Dates') and is also my bus stop. I made it in time with 15 minuets to spare.

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